Soft-Shell Crabs in Butter and Garlic:
Dredge your crabs in a bit of flour and pat excess off and allow to rest until needed. Put 3 tbsp unsalted butter and 3 tbsp olive oil in a pan and heat on medium to medium-low. When melted, add 5 -8 cloves (depending on your love of garlic) of garlic, thinly sliced and saute lightly until the garlic gets a bit golden in color. Remove garlic with a slotted spoon and reserve on the side. Add your soft-shells to the pan with the butter/oil mixture and saute on medium until the crabs are red all over. Make sure to flip them on to both sides to allow to evenly cook – about 4 or 5 minutes each side. Remove crabs from oil and place on plate. Add the garlic back to the pan, add a pinch of salt and then drizzle the crabs with the garlic/butter and oil. Sprinkle with some peperoncino. Serve with some pasta olio e aglio (spaghetti with garlic and olive oil) or pasta with red sauce. Enjoy!